it solutions for special requirements

Schlagwort: nexentastor

napp-it supports HA Cluster RFS-1

RFS-1, a provider for ZFS-HA (good known and experienced with HA-Cluster nexentastor), supports OmniOS and other ZFS derivatives.



Now napp-it can manage the RFS-1 High Availability-Cluster Plugin.

Offical announcement @napp-it website:

napp-it 16.08 pro edition
 Appliance security supports RSF-1 ports 1195 and 8020
 Comstar: create and delete raw LU
 new main menu HA Cluster with RSF-1 cluster settrings
  napp-it Pro: Support for RSF-1 Cluster

Link to napp-it changelog

Greate article about IOPS by Nexenta

Nexenta blog has published a greate article about IOPS. The keyquestion is: what can i expect from my storagesystem. The article also compares 128K and 4K Blocksize and shows how this affects IOPS.

Three Dimensions of Storage Sizing & Design – Part 3: Speed

NexentaStor 4.0.4-FP5 freigegeben

Nexenta hat FP5 für NexentaStor 4.0.4 freigegeben.

Warum ist das wichtig?

Nexenta hat eine End of Life (EOL) / End of Support (EOS) Politik eingeführt. Das heißt bis zum 29.04.16 wird NexentaStor 4.0.3 (In Bezug auf Stabilität war das wirklich ein Meilenstein) nicht mehr supportet. Also wechseln auf 4.0.4 ist sowieso angesagt.

FP5 enthält unter anderem wieder einen NFS Bug-Fix (diesmal in Verbindung mit DNS Issues).

Wie auf NexentaStor 4.0.4 FP5 sicher upgraden? => CALL ME ;)*

*(Zstor GmbH Kunden werden priotisiert und in Zusammenarbeit mit ZStor bedient;))

What is a TM? And where should i store it?

Computer-assisted translation, (CAT) is a form of language translation in which a human translator uses computer software to support and facilitate the translation process.

The translator has access to a database of already translated sentences. Source text and its corresponding translation is stored in a so called translation memory.

Here is an example:

Proj-164-323 DE-EN-GB_de-DE_en-GB.sdltm : size 182MB

All the TMs have to be stored and represent the value add of a translation agency.

To enable fast, flexible and secure distribution of TMs for translators we use a Software defined Storage Solution (OpenSDS) => OmniOS & Napp-it.

OmniOS with Napp-IT is a greate alternative to enterprise SDS solutions like NexentaStor (nevertheless, both have there usecases).

OmniOS is a burnig flame

OmniOS is a greate operating system. Illumos based (like nexentastor 😉 ) and free.

ZFS and KVM inside and easy to use. But how should i use it?

In my case OmniOS is my SDS OS for my ESXi Enviroment 😉

vmware datastore nfs esx

vmware datastore nfs esx

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