it solutions for special requirements

Schlagwort: OpenSDS

Was ist eigentlich DogeOS?

Was ist eigentlich DogeOS?

In Anbetracht der ungewissen Zukunft von OmniOS, ist DogeOS vielleicht eine Option zum testen.

DogeOS is a distribution based on SmartOS and FIFO project. It is made to be the ultimate cloud OS for data center.

  • All industry proven features of SmartOS: ZFS, Dtrace, KVM, Zones and Crossbow.
  • Ready-to-use management console from FIFO.
  • Nearly 100% resource utilization of hardware.
  • No installation time for Resource Node (a.k.a chunter node).
  • Guided, fast (< 10min) provision of the first FiFo (management) zone, and works even without Internet access.

DogeOS is, as similar to Project FiFo and SmartOS, licensed under CDDL. It is free to use.

What is a TM? And where should i store it?

Computer-assisted translation, (CAT) is a form of language translation in which a human translator uses computer software to support and facilitate the translation process.

The translator has access to a database of already translated sentences. Source text and its corresponding translation is stored in a so called translation memory.

Here is an example:

Proj-164-323 DE-EN-GB_de-DE_en-GB.sdltm : size 182MB

All the TMs have to be stored and represent the value add of a translation agency.

To enable fast, flexible and secure distribution of TMs for translators we use a Software defined Storage Solution (OpenSDS) => OmniOS & Napp-it.

OmniOS with Napp-IT is a greate alternative to enterprise SDS solutions like NexentaStor (nevertheless, both have there usecases).

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